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Willa Kids

Children are a vital part of our worshiping community. On Sunday mornings children being worship in the sanctuary with their families. There is a special children's message for them each week from our Family Ministries Director, Kathryn Halterman. They are then invited to Children's Church for their morning curriculum. They return to the sanctuary to participate in Holy Communion with the community of faith.  

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Our Nursery is provided during our Worship Service at 11:00am. You and your child will be warmly greeted and directed to our check-in/out procedures.  Parents are to fully supply any items needed for younger children including ready-made bottles, diapers, wipes, snack, sippy cup, changes of clothes, etc. 

Tuskawilla UMC seeks to create environments and equip families to grow in their faith together. We believe that faith is caught more than it is taught. Therefore, at Tuskawilla UMC we take great emphasis on children being engaged in worship and study alongside persons of all ages in response to the covenant that we make at the time of a child’s baptism:


"to surround all children with a community of love and forgiveness, that they may grow in their trust of God, and be found faithful in their service to others as we pray for them, that they may be true disciples who walk in the way that leads to life"

---UMC Baptismal Covenant 



​All staff and regular volunteers with Tuskawilla UMC’s
Nursery, Willa Kids and Willa Youth
receive annual training on safety and protection procedures and are fully Level II Background Check compliant.


Links to Child/Youth Protection Policy, and Children's Registration Form
(both these are in Adobe PDF format)



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